How Art has helped my Life process

My need for self expression started at the very early age…

Overwhelmed by powerful emotions and in search of an answer to the existential question

‘why am I here?‘ I unconsciously felt that the only way to feel well with myself and self-regulate, was to become one with nature, dissociating from the world entering a state, that I can now recognise as the so called ‘flow state’.

I spent hours being with animals and observing the ‘movement of nature’: smoke rising, fire dancing, waves, branches intricately embracing each other, clouds interesting with the wind…and the perfect astonishing forms of animals, insect, minerals, shells, flowers….

I always felt mesmerised by this complex simplicity and I presume that in some way I absorbed it. I loved it and I still do.

Feeling a need for freedom in my body the first form of self expression had been dance. I became a professional dancer/performer exploring my body and my mind when in a performance creation process. Some titles of the productions I took part makes a lot of sense to me now:


‘The Day of Heaven and Hell’,

‘I Enigma’.

When I got injured I searched for other means of expression.

I explored contemporary art following a course in Sculpture/Volume at an art academy for seven years.

Using different means (sculpture, installation, video art…) I realised at the end of my studies, that what I was doing had been an healing path.

In fact I explored existential themes in seven years of academic studies:

  • body pain,

  • feeling imprisoned/frozen,

  • going towards the centre,

  • connecting with others,

  • manipulation,

  • survive the pain,

  • destruction,

  • death,

  • transformation,

  • rebirth,

  • belonging,

  • self - responsibility,

  • create safety,

  • create home

I found that drawing abstractly and in particular posing one line after another was effective for my nervous system.

I could self regulate my emotional state and find freedom.

Drawing is definitely my door to inner peace.